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Introducing the Flex Farm

Fork Farms offers the most efficient, scalable, and transformative indoor, vertical hydroponic technology on the planet.

How To Get Started?

Our most popular product, the Flex Farm is available for purchase directly from our website. 

  • The Flex Farm is $4,995 and can be used in spaces from classrooms, food pantries, lunchrooms, businesses, non-profits, homes, and beyond! 
  • Talk to a Team Member: If you are looking for more information, connect with one of our team members using the form and they will be in touch to talk all things Fork Farms.  
  • Buy Online: You can purchase a Flex Farm, which includes three months of growing supplies, curriculum, growing resources, community and more. 

Grow 25+ lbs of fresh food
every 28 days


Harvest up to 3,400
plants annually

Requires 2 hours of regular maintenance per month

Requires 2 hours of
regular maintenance per

Innovation in the Classroom.
Impact in the Community.

Real-world examples of the impact of hydroponic farming in the classroom and the community.

Fresh Food For Our Kids

Growing success

Growing success with the Flex Farm is all but guaranteed.

In addition to the innovative hydroponic technology, it also includes:
  • End-to-end support from the Fork Farms team of hydroponics experts
  • Access to the Farmative community where you can collaborate with like-minded, innovative growers

Read the Inspired Farmer Blog

Find inspiration and get the latest stories and trends on hydroponic farming!

Eye on America: Fork Farms Featured On CBS

Get to Know the Fork Farms Family of Hydroponic Growing Systems and Their Real-Life Applications

Two billion people worldwide face food insecurity, and agricultural demand is on the rise. Climate change is causing an average 20 percent decrease in crop yield, and supply chain ...
Fork Farms Team

Exploring Art Through Indoor Hydroponic Gardens

Regular readers of our blog know that we love how hydroponics can help grow both bodies and minds. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants like leafy greens, cherry tomatoes, ...
Fork Farms Team

Hydroponic Gardens and School Nutrition Programs. How to Introduce More Fresh Greens to More Students

Introducing gardens and hydroponic systems into schools and school nutrition programs is a fantastic way to bring fresh and healthy vegetables, herbs, and some fruits directly to ...
Fork Farms Team

What is a Nutrient Formula and How is it Used in Hydroponic Growing?

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants efficiently and sustainably without soil. So, how do the plants get their nutrients, you ask? Hydroponic plants gain nutrients via ...
Fork Farms Team

What is the Best Time of Year to Plan and Start a School Garden?

When developing a plan and timeline for starting a school garden project, the first question to ask yourself is what kind of garden you are working towards – a traditional outdoor ...
Fork Farms Team

Hydroponic Highlight – Grow It Forward

If you are a regular follower of our blog, you know that we truly believe that hydroponic gardens are a wonderful idea for food banks. They produce a great deal of fresh, ...
Fork Farms Team

The Sustainable and Fresh Impact of Hydroponics in Caribbean Communities

Often when we think of the Caribbean Islands, we think of crystal-clear waters and fresh foods. Unfortunately, there is a whole other side to the islands that suffers from food ...
Fork Farms Team

Exploring the Types of Hydroponic Systems: Which is Best for You?

Hydroponics, the method of growing plants without soil, has gained popularity as it is sustainable, efficient, and produces high yields in small spaces. There are different ...
Fork Farms Team

What are the Main Benefits of an Indoor Hydroponic Garden?

From container gardens to aquaponic gardening and permaculture gardening, there have never been more ways to grow fresh produce. However, for new gardeners or even experienced ...
Fork Farms Team

What Kind of Setup Do You Need for an Indoor Hydroponic Garden?

Although hydroponic gardening has been around for generations, interest in growing indoors has accelerated in recent years. In fact, this versatile, soil-less farming technique is ...
Fork Farms Team

How to Grow More Food with Your Hydroponic Farm System

Hydroponics is an innovative method of growing plants without soil, where nutrients are delivered to the roots via a water-based solution. This cutting-edge approach to farming ...
Fork Farms Team

What to Look For in a Top Hydroponic Garden Company?

Hydroponics can be a great opportunity to grow fresh produce and herbs. However, if you’re new to hydroponics or looking to scale your current system, it can be a bit challenging ...
Fork Farms Team

Nutrient Formulas for Hydroponic Gardens: What are the Different Ways to Feed Plants Hydroponically?

There are various ways to feed hydroponic plants as well as several systems that are successful at feeding plants (we’ll tackle system options in a future blog post, so keep ...
Fork Farms Team

Why Hydroponic Gardens Are a Great Idea for Food Banks And Community

A food bank is a distribution center or a hub where donated food is collected and then distributed to food pantries. All of the food collected is intended to go to people facing ...
Fork Farms Team

Can You Grow Fruits And Vegetables In Any Season With Hydroponics?

The truth is, it can be challenging to grow produce indoors. There are a lot of elements needed for plants to thrive, such as sunlight, water, and nutrients, and the off-balance ...
Fork Farms Team

What Are The Best Hydroponic Gardens for Teachers and School Administrators?

Hydroponics in schools is like adding a sprinkle of magic to the curriculum. It's hands-on learning at its finest, teaching students about science, nutrition, and sustainability ...
Fork Farms Team

How Healthy are Hydroponically Grown Fruits & Vegetables?

Many who are considering a hydroponic garden have a simple question. How healthy are the vegetables that the systems produce? To begin, it is important to note that all fresh ...
Fork Farms Team

Hydroponic Gardens: Overcoming America’s Food Deserts and Improving Access to Healthy Food

According to the CDC, a majority of Americans do not receive adequate nutrition. Often, the culprit is a high amount of “sodium, saturated fat, and sugar” in their diets, ...
Fork Farms Team

How to Start a Hydroponic School Lunch Program: What are the Steps?

Thinking about putting hydroponics into your school lunch program, but don’t know where to start? School lunch programs are more important now than ever since post-pandemic, we ...
Fork Farms Team

The Different Ways an Indoor Hydroponic Garden Can Engage Students In The Classroom

Hydroponics, or the practice of growing plants using nutrient-rich water instead of soil, continues to reshape how our society approaches fresh food production and delivery. Every ...
Fork Farms Team


“I hope students working with the Flex Farm experience the happiness and joy I have in seeing their seedlings grow. I also hope it inspires many people – both students and teachers – to make a difference in the world, help us change for the better.”

Lake Bluff Elementary, Shorewood, WI

I believe that when students are an active part of the growing process, they are more likely to eat better. The Flex Farm is a perfect way to engage students in this regard.

Charlie Uihlein
Executive Director, Teens Grow Greens

Engaging students in the growing process builds pride in the product and makes people likely to choose to eat what they produce. Access to healthy, good-tasting lettuce will also increase the health of our students and may lead to more positive eating choices that could have a lasting impact on future health.

Jeff Schmid
Biology Teacher, Two Rivers High School

The Flex Farm is a product that will not only engage students via a curriculum that can be incorporated into the classroom, but will also provide an opportunity to study the impact of improved access to fresh healthy food for students and their families.

Nathan Larson
Executive Director, Restorative Places; Co-founder, Wisconsin School Garden Network

Something that has surprised me about the Flex Farm is how it could change the world. It’s a small thing doing an awfully big job and that amazes me.

Lake Bluff Elementary School, Shorewood, WI